This article will give you a guide of what to expect to pay when buying PVC sash windows.

See the table below for a cost range and how it is worked out generally in the industry (fitted inc VAT).

PVCu Sash Windows – Don’t Pay More Than Guide

Why windows cost what they do?

A glazing company must do more than just buy and fit a window. Below is a breakdown of why a window costs more than just the frames.

Built into the cost you pay is:

  • Marketing
  • Sales – Salesperson and Materials
  • Surveying – Measuring and checking the window accurately for order
  • Manufacture – the frames and glass
  • Storage and checking the product
  • Fitting Materials – screws, silicones and the like
  • After Sales – engineer visits, often servicing long guarantees
  • Transport for both sales, fitting and service engineers
  • Showroom – not in all cases but in some
  • Bed debt/ dispute – sometimes things need to be resolved if there is a dispute

The best strategy is to get several quotes, preferably from recommendations. Read how to avoid salespeople overcharging you to make bigger commission here.